Christchurch Girls’ High School | Te Kura o Hine Waiora welcomes applications from prospective international students. We invite you to contact us for further information about our programmes or to arrange a school visit for your daughter either in person or online.

Enrolment Procedure
Students can either apply online or download an application. These must be completed in full including all necessary signatures and returned via email or post to the addresses below. Application forms must be accompanied by a copy of a student’s passport and recent school reports.
Applicants will be contacted to arrange an online or in person interview and will then if successful will receive an offer of place and an invoice for fees to be paid.
Once we have received payment for your fees, we will send an email confirming your student’s place at Christchurch Girls’ High School | Te Kura o Hine Waiora and a receipt, which is used to apply for a student visa.

New Zealand Education
The New Zealand school year is divided into four terms, the first beginning at the end of January and the fourth finishing early/mid-December. Most New Zealand schools have a two-week break at the end of Terms 1, 2, and 3. A longer 6-week break for summer occurs at the end of Term 4.
Students at Christchurch Girls’ High School | Te Kura o Hine Waiora study towards the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) and national Scholarship examinations. NCEA is New Zealand’s main secondary school qualification under the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). You can find out more from the NZQA ( New Zealand Qualification Authority ) website here. Beginning study in New Zealand in Year 9 or Year 10 is highly recommended if students want to achieve well in senior examinations.
International students who do not have English as their first language can expect to be one to two years older than New Zealand students.
For more information on the New Zealand Education system and curriculum visit the NZQA site.