Message From Our Principal
Tēnā koutou katoa parents, caregivers and whānau
As we say goodbye to Term 2, it is important to reflect on what has been another exciting term with so much happening across our kura. Our students deserve praise for the significant effort they have put in during the term to achieve success, and to balance their schoolwork, with their extracurricular activities.
I would also like to thank our wonderful staff, coaches and tutors for all that they have done to guide our students to grow and develop, not only academically, but as individuals, emotionally, socially and spiritually. Without the ongoing care and support from their whānau, they would not be able to achieve all that they do.
Our Board, the PTA and the Old Girls Association have committed a significant amount of time to advise and support the school, and their efforts are very much appreciated. We value their expertise and passion for ensuring Christchurch Girls’ High School | Te Kura o Hine Waiora continues to strive to provide the best learning, opportunities and care for all.
We believe that it is essential that we continue to build our community connection and sense of belonging within the school for all students and whānau. It is the positive contribution and care from all of us that makes the real difference.
Coming together – noho tahi – is central to Matariki, and last night the 2024 Matariki Kapa Haka Festival was a beautiful example of what it looks like when our school community unites. Thank you to Kapa Haka groups from Christchurch Girls’ High School | Te Kura o Hine Waiora, Heaton Normal Intermediate, Breens Intermediate and Paparoa Street School for being part of this celebration. This student led initiative was an exciting opportunity for students across these kura to deepen their connection with their whakapapa, as well as performing in front of their teachers, whānau and friends.
As I left the school last night the air was filled with the laughter of ākonga, the warmth from their connection with each other and a significant sense of pride for their performances. These students are already filling their kete with rich opportunities to develop their passions, strengths and leadership. To our students and staff that organised this event, a huge thank you to each and every one of you.
I would like to remind you that if you would like to connect with any of our Year Level Deans or Head of Learning Area (HoLA) with any queries or concerns in regards to ākonga please access their email information on our website under school contacts.
Term 3 for all ākonga kicks off on 22 July, with our Acland House boarders returning slightly earlier on 21 July 2024. A friendly reminder that Term 3 is still full winter uniform – including their blazer.
We wish you and your whānau all the best for the holidays and we look forward to an even more incredible Term 3.
Ngā manaakitanga, noho ora mai
Helen Armstrong
Principal | Tumuaki